“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat”
First Saturday of every month.
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Drive up and bring your non-perishable food donation to the Mack Avenue entrance of St. Clare School where a volunteer will meet you at your car.
Volunteers are also needed for the ministry to collect and sort the donations.
For more information contact Mark Fikany: [email protected]
Thank you for helping our Neighbors in Need! We appreciate your donations and your help collecting them.
The SVdP truck will be on-site September 7-15, 2024
The St. Vincent truck will be parked in the parking lot (Sweeney Center side - near Mack) to collect donations throughout the week. When we fill a truck – they replace it with an empty truck so we can collect your items all week.
You can drop off your donations ANYTIME. Just lift the door on the back of the truck to leave your donations. There is a lift control on the side of the truck to assist you in moving items into the truck. Please move items to the back of truck if possible. DO NOT LEAVE ANY ITEMS OUTSIDE OF THE TRUCK.
We also need VOLUNTEERS to assist donors before or after Mass or to help move items to the back of the truck (once a day) during the week – please email Diane [email protected] to volunteer.
ONLY these items will be accepted: Please pack like items together (shoes separately from clothing, kitchen separate from other items.
Note: If you have other items you would like to donate - please let us know – we may have a family who can use your item.
Donations are collected in the brown wicker bins near church entrances and the family room.
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is a Catholic, lay ministry of men and women who offer person-to-person service to those in need. We offer financial or material assistance, as well as a listening ear, a helping hand or an understanding hug. A core of spirituality, charity and justice unites Vincentians in seeking relief from need and promoting systemic change. Throughout the month, as their personal schedules allow, Vincentians are actively engaged in long-term initiatives such as home visits, energy assistance, and food pantry as well as a variety of short term projects. SVdP welcomes everyone interested in participating. Members may be involved on a regular, occasional, or per-project basis.