Intercessory Prayer is repetitive and consistent prayer whereby we plead with God on behalf of others in need. We pray for the intentions of our Archdiocese, our Priests and our Parish. We pray for those intentions that are left on the parish phone line, website, those in the prayer request basket and in the Church bulletin. On a larger scale we pray for city, state, country and world situations.
Who can be a Prayer Intercessor? We are not looking for perfect prayer warriors. Our prayers are simple and to the point. But if in your heart you feel called to pray for a family member, friend or stranger who is sick, hurt or troubled then maybe the Holy Spirit is calling you to Intercessory Prayer. If group prayer is not your cup of tea then perhaps you could pray for the intentions at home. As a home intercessor you would include the intentions as part of your daily prayers. However, there is something special about raising our voices in unison to our Lord.
The Legion of Mary is a Catholic organization of men and women aged 18 and up. We are committed to fulfill our Baptismal promises to become holy, faithful Catholics and also to bring Jesus to others. We meet every Tuesday morning from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM where we pray, talk about our faith, and our mission to spread the Good News. Besides increasing our faith, we are committed to go out and do good works weekly (two hours) by visiting three local Senior Homes bringing the Eucharist, the Gospel message, praying the rosary and singing songs. We always go in pairs. We also have an Auxiliary Membership if you cannot actively participate. Legion pamphlets are on the tables in the back of Church with more information.