Michael McDevitt 647-5025 |
Adult blood pressure screening will be provided by St. Clare parish nurses on the first Sunday of each month after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mass. Screenings will take place in the Family Room, located in the church, beginning Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023.
Now through Sunday November 26, 2023: Donations Needed for Holiday Pop-Up Store
St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit is hosting a Family Christmas party for children who attended Camp Ozanam this summer. Each child and their siblings will be able to “shop” for cozy winter wear. You can help by leaving your donations in the SVdP collection baskets near the church doors.
Please note this is different than the Giving Tree project (see Mike McDevitt’s article), but we are confident that our St. Clare community has the generosity to support both efforts!
Donations will be accepted until Noon Sunday, November 26th.
Fall Clothing/Small Item Collection Truck Drive: Friday November 17 through Sunday November 26
The St. Vincent truck will be parked in the parking lot (Sweeney Center side - near Mack) to collect donations throughout the week. When we fill a truck – they replace it with an empty truck so we can collect your items all week. The last time we FILLED FOUR TRUCKS!
You can drop off your donations ANYTIME. Just lift the door on the back of the truck to leave your donations.
If you can VOLUNTEER to assist donors before or after Mass or help move items to the back of the truck during the week please email Diane at: [email protected].
ONLY these items that will be accepted:
Please DO NOT bring:
Please note: If you have other items you would like to donate please email me and I can let you know if/how we might be able to assist you in your donation.
Thank you for helping our Neighbors in Need. Your Thanksgiving envelope and calendar donations directly help our local neighbors throughout the year
Michael Anderanin II Mike Barrett Patricia Barszenski Ken Biernacki Elizabeth Ralstrom Blanchard Eleanor Brenneman Paquito Bommarito John Brock Andrew Bunch Eileen Burns Ed Cain Gianna Caruso Mary Cascos Michaline Chmielewski Marie Ciaramitaro Sophia Cisneros Glenn Closurdo Cynthia LeRoy Cola Rick Demers Kathie DeMumbrum Nicole DeRosa Terry DeRosa Lillian DesRosiers Donna Dettmer Nick DiCresci |
Bruno "Bo" Domzalski Anthony Enright Scott Fischer Deanna Fischer Joe Fornasiero Steve Freitas Melissa French Mary Kay Gardner Cathy Garten Grace Genova Georgia Gold Sonia Grospe Michael Guadagnoli Beth Haremza Cathy Haremza Amy Hart Daniel Headapohl Sharron Heenan Maricela Huidor-Figueroa Betty Irvin Dennis Janeczko Christine Kahanak Margaret Keefe Ted Kirles Scott Kooken |
Eleonora Kowalczyk John Lamoureux James Lavigne Anita Leisen Mary Ellen LeRoy Bob Louwers June Mabarak Wolfgang Maennle Josephine Marino Mary Ann McGrail Mary Ann McLaughlin Sue McMillan Kyle McPherson Gayle Megge-Impastato Dr. Tony R. R. Middleton Lynn Miller Jo Ann Morandini Sam Norbot Beatrice Nunez Maryann O'Connor Kathy Overton Katerina Palucaj Dennis Panas Mary Beth Panas Bob Pearce |
Bob Phillips Carol Provencal Lawrence Radgowski Bob Radnick Larry Rochwalski Louis Rondini Kathleen Ruggero Charles Rutherford Julie Sexton Margaret Jo Shubel William Shubel Father Jame Smalarz Lori Spindler Janice Staub-Sullivan Dolores Stefanski Neal Steinmetz Joe Stelmark Mary Stelmark Barry Sullivan Gloria Tanoury Mary Janet Tocco Patricia Tocco-Majewski Carol Doris Todd Amnhe Velasquez Paul Werthman Matthias Wilisowski Robbie Williams Debra Wolfslayer Janet Yntema |
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The Al Anon ACA meets on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. in the church rectory. For help finding meetings or recovery support for yourself or a loved one, please call 866-641-9190 or visit the Al Anon website.